Anti-Scam Verification Process

Unsure if you're talking to an official Coinbound representative? Get a verified answer.

Unfortunately, the Web3 space is susceptible to scams.

In recent months and years, a number of bad actors have copied Coinbound sales & marketing materials and distributed them in an attempt to receive payment from unwitting prospects.

As an agency built on the love for Web3, we are committed to fighting fraud in all forms, especially so when associated with our brand.

If you’ve been contacted by someone claiming to be associated with Coinbound but you are not sure you’re talking to an official Coinbound representative please complete the form.

Information to include in your message:

  • The email address or account you’ve been contacted by
  • The name of the representative you are speaking to
  • Links to any resources (decks, proposals, etc) that you have been sent
  • Important: Payment addresses you have been asked to send payment to

Within 48 hours, a Coinbound representative will reply to your email verifying if you are speaking to an official representative of Coinbound.