Accounts like Box Mining (DeFi YouTube Channels)

Last Updated: March 15, 2021
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If you’ve been following crypto, you know that DeFi, or decentralized finance has absolutely exploded onto the scene. Since there’s no way to advertise crypto on traditional platforms like Facebook and Instagram, that means influencers play a huge part in promoting products and educating the public. That also means influencers (especially large ones) play a huge role in swaying public opinion on which tools to use and which to avoid. Box Mining is a very popular YouTube influencer that produces a lot of DeFi-related content. He’s done in-depth reviews and guides on most popular currencies and exchanges, and his opinions carry a lot of weight in the community. If you want to work with an influencer but can’t lock down a deal with Box Mining, we’ll introduce some similar ones in this article.

Dapp University

Dapp University is a channel that’s completely focused on creating decentralized applications. Most of his channel is coding-related and his content has a heavy technical emphasis. He teaches the programming language of Ethereum (Solidity) and gives his viewers lots of ideas to make money. Thus, the majority of his content is centered around decentralized finance and the Ethereum network. If you’re run marketing for a DeFi project, partnering with Dapp University is definitely worth consideration.

Coin Bureau

While Coin Bureau creates content for every blockchain niche, he’s done an outstanding job highlighting the best projects in the DeFi space. He’s produced review video after review video of the most exciting projects, and is quick to analyze up and coming projects. The channel was started in 2019, and their popularity skyrocketed after consistently churning out good content. His channel is mostly focused on project reviews, tutorials, and educational content. It seems the overarching goal is to help his viewers get a better understanding of blockchain technology as a whole, and DeFi plays a large role in that.

Satoshi Stacker

Satoshi Stacker started his channel in 2020, and quickly broke 100k subs during the latest bull run. His channel focuses on how to make money in crypto, through yield farming, trading and staking. Because yield farming and liquidity mining are such big parts of DeFi, he’s got experience with most DeFi exchanges. In addition to trading and markets, he also makes content around breaking news in the crypto world. Overall, he’s a fairly versatile influencer. Although he hasn’t been in the game long, he’s successfully built a very engaged audience in a short amount of time.

Altcoin Buzz

Altcoin Buzz is a very well well-respected channel within the community, and for good reason. Their content is focused on altcoins, and they often interview the founders of up and coming projects. As you may have guessed, many are DeFi-related. Their channel was started in 2016, and has grown steadily with solid community support. Unlike many larger channels, they go out of their way to look for gems that are undervalued and under-promoted by the community.

Wrapping Up: Influencers like Box Mining

Influencers are a great way to promote your crypto project, and ones like Box Mining have a passionate fanbase that will listen to every one of his recommendations. If you run a DeFi-related business, targeting DeFi-specific influencers like Box Mining could yield great results.

Want help promoting your crypto project with Box Mining or a similar influencer? Reach out to Coinbound, the leading cryptocurrency marketing agency. We have extensive experience with influencer marketing, especially larger ones like Box Mining. Our results have been so good that past clients had to shut off their platform because they were getting too many sign-ups. Coinbound has helped grow top crypto brands like eToro, ShapeShift, OKEx, CoinStats, and COSMOS via influencers, community management, publishers, PPC, and SEO.

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