What We Use OneSignal For | Ep. 23

Last Updated: January 2, 2020

Looking to grow your Web3 business? That’s what we do…

OneSignal is an incredibly powerful free tool for sending push notifications, remarketing to site visitors, and keeping your visitors engaged with your brand. In this episode, Ty, Ty, and Kylie discuss what push notifications are, how they should be leveraged to effectively market your company, what OneSignal does, and how the Coinbound team uses it to drive revenue for themselves and their clients.

Ty’s Show Notes:


We are going to be discussing push notifications, what OneSignal is, How we use it, and things to keep in mind before setting up push notifications.

OneSignal is a super useful FREE tool that:

  • Allows you to put site visitors on automated drip campaigns
  • Engage with potential customers through a new and effective medium.
  • Helps you increase site revisits

What are push notifications?

Push notifications are notifications sent to your phone or computer outside of an app or browser.

When you go to a site and it asks you if it can send notifications, that’s push notifications.

What is OneSignal and what does it do?

OneSignal is one of the most popular push notification softwares.

  • Send push notifications via mobile and web
  • Collect subscribers from your website automatically
  • Send messages to them about promotions or updates
  • send automated or manual push notifications to site visitors’ phones or computers.
  • Allows A/B Testing
  • Free up to 30k subscribers
  • Example: Our Site. If you go to our site and allow notifications and don’t revisit for a certain number of days/week it will send different resources. We see about 5% site clicks. That’s a lot of people that otherwise would have forgotten about us.
  • Another Example: We set up one signal for some clients. One is a content creator: Now when anyone goes to his site it asks if they will allow notifications. If they do, and they don’t revisit within a week it will automatically send a notification prompting them to subscribe to his youtube channel.

Things to keep in mind when using OneSignal for push notifications

Shorter is better

Push notification click-through rates based on word count (From Buildfire.com):

  • 10 words of less: 8.8%
  • 11-20 words: 4.9%
  • 21 words or more: 3.2%

Relevant Links:


More about the Crypto Marketing Show!: https://coinbound.io/podcast

Produced by Coinbound: https://coinbound.io/


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Ty Daniel Smith: https://twitter.com/tydanielsmith

TJ Shedd: https://twitter.com/youngdumbcrypto

Kylie Lowe: https://twitter.com/cryptokylie

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