If you’re a digital marketer, chances are you spend a good amount of time on Twitter. Twitter, the social media giant, is a powerful tool for amplifying your message.
Since the introduction of Twitter polls, social media marketers have used them as a method of capturing data from their users as well as providing them with an interactive way to engage with their Twitter accounts.
When Twitter marketers want to measure the growth or success of their efforts, they often look to engagements as an important KPI. With that said, many marketers want to know if votes on Twitter polls count towards their total number of engagements in Twitter analytics.
Do Twitter Polls Count as Engagements on Twitter?
The short answer is: no. Twitter polls will not count as engagements in Twitter analytics.
How do we know?
Well…we tried it.
Here is an example of a poll recently published by NFT Lately, a popular NFT media site, to test this:
Which blockchain has the strongest community?
— NFT Lately (@NFTLately) November 30, 2022
- Likes: 2
- Comments: 2
- Votes: 10
- Retweets: 1
- Engagements: 12
So, as you can see, the number of votes plus other engagements does not equal the total reported number of engagements.