Top Link Building Strategies To Try in 2024

Last Updated: April 18, 2024
link building strategies

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Acquiring quality backlinks is difficult, but it’s necessary. 

So, how do you go about building trusted backlinks from high-authority domains?

This link building guide shares the top link building strategies for beginners and advanced SEOs to help them build the best backlinks. 

Key Takeaways:

  • Acquiring quality backlinks is challenging but essential for SEO. 
  • Link building involves obtaining hyperlinks from relevant sites to enhance credibility and search engine ranking. 
  • Backlinks serve as votes of confidence, influencing visibility and rankings in search engine results. 
  • Link building is important for search engine ranking, credibility, referral traffic, niche influence, and diversification of traffic sources. 
  • Key link building strategies include competitor backlink analysis, guest posting outreach, broken link building, HARO utilization, content repurposing, PR, creating 10X content, reclaiming missing backlinks, hosting webinars, and scholarship link building. 

Link acquisition is building hyperlinks from relevant websites in your niche. 

The process consists of tactics to create a network of links pointing to your site, enhancing its credibility, authority, and relevance to search engines. 

Backlinks or inbound links serve as votes of confidence from other websites, contributing to your site’s visibility and ranking in search engine results. 

Here are the biggest advantages of link building:

  • Search Engine Ranking: Google uses backlinks as a major ranking factor. High-quality and relevant links help your site to rank higher in organic search results. 
  • Credibility and Authority: High-quality backlinks serve as endorsements from other websites. This strengthens your website’s overall credibility and authority within your industry.
  • Referral Traffic Boost: Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO and serve as pathways for referral traffic. Clicks on links from other websites to yours introduce a fresh audience, potentially enhancing conversions and engagement.
  • Niche Authority: Acquiring links from respected and authoritative websites in your specialized field positions your brand as an influencer or expert in that particular domain. This has the potential to draw increased attention, foster partnerships, and open up opportunities within your industry.
  • Broadening Traffic Channels: Depending solely on one traffic source poses risks. Link building plays a vital role in expanding your sources, attracting traffic from various websites, and decreasing dependence on a single channel.

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Here are some of the top link building tactics to enhance your organic search engine rankings: 

Examining your competitor’s ranking on Google for your target keywords is the best way to reverse engineer your competitor’s backlink strategy.

First, identify your top three competitors with a strong online presence and high domain authority. 

Next, use SEO tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, SERanking, or Moz to generate a comprehensive backlink report for each competitor. 

SEO tool

Assess the quantity and quality of their backlinks, focusing on those from authoritative and relevant websites. 

Explore competitors’ link building strategies, identifying whether they leverage guest posting, content marketing, or other tactics. 

Identify high-value backlinks and spot opportunities where competitors have gained links that you haven’t. 

This is one of the finest link building strategies that you should use regularly to find new sources of backlinks.

2- Do Guest Posting Outreach

Guest posting means making and sharing content on websites that don’t belong to your industry or niche. This link building strategy shares valuable insights, establishes authority, and earns backlinks to your website. 

To begin guest posting for link acquisition, research and identify websites that accept guest posts in your industry. 

When selecting guest posting sites, consider metrics such as Moz Domain Authority (DA) and Ahrefs Domain Rating (DR) to analyze their authority. 

Ahrefs website authority checker SEO tool

Assess the site’s traffic volume for broader exposure and review editorial guidelines for a smoother submission process. Understand the site’s link policy, distinguishing between dofollow and nofollow links. These considerations help tailor your guest posting strategy for maximum impact, establish a strong online presence, and improve search engine rankings through quality backlinks.

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Building broken links is an advanced link building tactic that identifies and replaces dead or broken links on external websites. 

Use tools like Check My Links to scan relevant websites in your industry for broken links. 

Href check my links

Generate content of superior quality and relevance corresponding to the broken link’s subject. 

Once your content is ready, craft a polite outreach message to the website owner or content manager, explaining the relevance of your content and suggesting it as a replacement for the broken link. 

By identifying these broken links and proposing your content as a substitute, you create opportunities to secure valuable backlinks to your site. 

4- Take the Help of HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO, or Help a Reporter Out, is a platform that connects journalists, bloggers, and content creators with sources, experts, and businesses. 

Cision HARO Tool

Journalists use HARO to seek input, quotes, or expertise for their articles, blog posts, or news stories. 

On the flip side, individuals and businesses enlist as sources on HARO, offering valuable insights and expertise in exchange for media coverage when responding to queries.

Leveraging HARO (Help a Reporter Out) for link building involves responding to journalist queries to secure media mentions and valuable backlinks. 

As a platform connecting journalists with industry experts, HARO allows businesses to position themselves as authorities in their field. 

5- Perform Content Repurposing

Content repurposing is a strategic approach that involves breathing new life into existing content by adapting it into different formats or mediums. 

The objective is to broaden the exposure of valuable content, accommodating diverse audience preferences, and optimizing its influence across multiple channels.

Begin by identifying content pieces on your website that need repurposing. 

Once pinpointing valuable pieces, create visually engaging infographics encapsulating essential information and statistics. 

Share these on platforms like Pinterest, ensuring each infographic includes a direct link to the source. 

Transform your written content into podcast episodes or video summaries, distributing them on platforms like YouTube. 

Embed links to the original content in video descriptions or show notes to encourage backlinks. 

This approach broadens content visibility, increasing the likelihood of earning valuable backlinks from diverse platforms and audiences.

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6- Publish PR

Public relations (PR) is a strategic communication process to build positive relationships between a business and its audience. 

Public Relations (PR) encompasses creating and disseminating press releases to communicate notable developments or achievements of a company.

To use PR for links, craft compelling press releases with relevant keywords, and include a direct link to your website. Distribute these releases through reputable PR distribution services, increasing the chances of media coverage and earning backlinks from news outlets. 

Sharing the press release on your platforms, such as your website and social media channels, also contributes to link building efforts by expanding the reach and visibility of your news.

7- Create 10X Content

10X content is a concept popularized by Rand Fishkin, co-founder of Moz, and it refers to creating content that is ten times better than the best content available on a particular topic. 

How to create 10x Content for SEO


The idea is to produce content that stands out in quality, depth, and value. 

To create 10X content, conduct extensive research to understand the topic thoroughly. 

Provide comprehensive insights and information that go beyond what is currently available. 

Utilize multimedia elements such as images, infographics, and videos to enhance the content’s engagement. 

Reclaiming backlinks involves proactively recovering or reinstating links to your website that may have been lost or broken over time. This can happen due to changes in content, URL modifications, website restructuring, or other reasons. 

The goal is to identify these missing backlinks and contact the respective web admins or site owners to request the link’s restoration. 

To identify reclaiming links, you can use backlink analysis tools. These tools analyze your existing backlink profile and notify you when they detect a link previously pointing to your site but is no longer active. 

Regularly monitoring your backlink profile lets you stay informed about lost links and take timely action to reclaim them.

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9- Get Into Local “Best of” Lists

“Best of” lists are compilations highlighting and recognizing top performers or entities in a particular category or location. 

Engage with local media outlets, community websites, or business associations that curate these lists.  

Being acknowledged as one of the best in your locality boosts your reputation and can lead to valuable backlinks from authoritative local sources.

10- Publish Infographics and Videos

Publishing infographics and videos is a powerful strategy for enhancing your online presence and attracting backlinks.

Create visually appealing infographics that convey valuable information or statistics related to your industry. 

Share these infographics on your website, social media platforms, and relevant infographic-sharing sites, encouraging others to link to your original content. 

Similarly, produce high-quality videos that provide insights, tutorials, or engaging content related to your business or niche. Upload these videos on platforms like YouTube and embed them on your website. Videos have the potential to go viral and attract attention, leading to more backlinks as others reference or share your video content. 

11- Host Webinars or Podcasts

Webinars, short for web seminars, are online events that facilitate real-time communication, presentations, and discussions among participants over the Internet. 

To host a webinar, you must define a relevant topic and audience and select a suitable webinar platform, such as Zoom or GoToWebinar. 

GoToWebinar App

Next, plan the webinar content, create engaging visuals, and set a date and time for the live event. 

During the webinar, incorporate interactive elements like Q&A sessions and polls to engage participants. To acquire links from webinars, consider the following strategies. First, create a dedicated landing page on your website for the webinar, providing essential details and a registration link. 

Encourage participants to share the event on social media, potentially earning backlinks. After the webinar, make the recorded session available on your website, accompanied by detailed show notes. This provides additional opportunities for participants to link to your content when sharing insights or referencing the webinar. 

Additionally, collaborate with industry influencers or experts as webinar guests, increasing the likelihood of them sharing the event on their platforms and contributing to your backlink strategy.

Implementing a scholarship link building strategy involves creating a scholarship program to attract backlinks from educational institutions, websites, and scholarship directories. 

Establish a well-defined scholarship program with specific eligibility criteria, application requirements, and an appealing award. 

Develop a dedicated page on your website providing comprehensive information about the scholarship, including eligibility, application process, deadlines, and selection criteria. 

Reach out to educational institutions, submit your scholarship to reputable directories, and collaborate with high schools and counselors to maximize visibility. 

Additionally, leverage press releases, social media promotion, and engagement with scholarship communities. Regularly monitor online mentions of your scholarship and maintain transparency and credibility throughout the process. 

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Mastering the skill of link building is crucial for businesses seeking success in the competitive online environment.

Each tactic serves a distinct purpose, contributing to enhanced search engine rankings, increased credibility, and a diversified traffic portfolio. 

Moreover, the strategies discussed are helpful to both beginners and seasoned SEO professionals, ensuring accessibility for anyone seeking to bolster their online presence. 

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