Calls to Action that Crypto Companies Use

Last Updated: November 17, 2022
Special offer call to action

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How ‘calls to action’ can help boost your brand in unimaginable ways when following best practices. 

When wanting to market your crypto project in the best possible way, it’s vital to get numerous leads and sales from your website and blog. It would help if you considered calls to action (CTA) to achieve such goals.

But what does CTA even mean?

Buy now call to action

Example of a ‘calls to action’ bar 

What Is ‘Calls to Action’ (CTA)? 

CTA is a piece of content used for introducing a viewer, reader, or listener to perform a specific action, usually from a directive or instruction, like “buy now” or “click here”, via a banner, button, graphic text, and so forth. 

Strengthening your use of CTA and how you use it can make a big difference to your marketing mix. For example, you want to engage your customers with your product or service by making them continuously click on buttons on your website to make them engage with different parts of your project. 

You can use CTA in numerous places on your website to boost your service, like: 

The more adventurous you are, the better. You can produce the best CTAs when thinking outside of the box.

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It can take practice to achieve successful CTAs, so check out these guidelines for boosting your Web3 project:

Make Your CTA Valuable 

An essential rule when delivering a CTA is to ensure it offers value. So before website visitors click on your CTA—to buy a project, become a subscriber, download an ebook, or whatever it is you’re trying to achieve—they need to know that it will bring some advantages and benefits to them. 

So, before publishing your CTA, make sure the CTA can benefit your clients in at least 2 or 3 ways. Then, choose the most important one to focus on before explaining the advantages in a small number of words. 

Social media channels are a great example of sites that do an excellent job at boosting their projects through using CTAs. Look at LinkedIn, for instance. The website uses customer testimonials to show the importance of growing the portfolio of your professional network. 

CTA is a straightforward way to get customers involved without the hassle of taking up a lot of time. CTAs typically shorten the processes for creating an account, viewing the next best thing, buying a project, etc. (whatever the CTA entails). 

Focus on Alignment

Despite sounding like common sense, your CTA must match where it lives and where it leads. Unfortunately, many people make this mistake without even knowing they’re doing so, making the CTA a waste of time. For instance, if the CTA is on a blog post, the button must direct users to the correct place it states. 

CTAs also often lead to customers writing down their details, whether it be to receive a booklet, newsletter, etc. You need to include CTAs in your marketing mix to ensure you get the opportunity to find your customers’ details. Customer information is essential for creating mailing lists and understanding your target market. 

Create a Sense of Urgency

Another powerful rule of using CTA is to use it to create urgency. When CTA gives visitors a reason to click on the button, banner, etc., immediately, they are more likely to go ahead and follow through with whatever it is you’re trying to pursue. Hence, why so many sales have limited availability. 

The most effective CTA examples use a sense of urgency for customers to register for whatever it is before it is “too late”. This makes users feel like they must get involved and that it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. 

It’s incredible to see how using a countdown, calendar date, or the words like “now” convince users to complete the desired action quickly and successfully. No one likes to miss out on excellent, limited opportunities, after all. 

Act now call to action

Focus on Clear Copy

Another pointer to keep in mind as it makes sure your CTA is specific and clear. You want to get straight to the point and your customers straight to the desired webpage. 

There’s no need to use confusing words of ambivalent language when describing your CTA. Instead, get straight to the point about what you’re trying to achieve and direct your customers exactly where you want them. 

Starting with a strong verb – like an action, state, or occurrence—is a good idea for creating your CTA phrase—to communicate value rather than receiving and giving. For example, words like start, archive, submit, learn, play and earn. 

Handle Objections 

You must handle your objections directly within your landing copy page. As your CTA button is your last step before your user commits to what’s next, you must ensure there are no unsolved objections that may be racing across your customers’ minds.

You must ensure your customers feel confident and safe in relying on your product. Questions from your customers may include, “Will this trial cost me any money?” “Is this a scam?” “What if I get directed to a virus?” and more. 

Unfortunately, it can be challenging to comfort your clients in a CTA, seeing as space is limited. However, you can add a click trigger below your CTA to ensure customers get the support they need. Examples of click triggers include explaining what’s next alongside terms and conditions. 

CTA states

How We Can Help! 

We at Coinbound are here to help you with all your marketing needs, including helping boost your CTAs. By checking out your competitors and marketing strategy, we can help you develop a plan that includes the most valuable CTAs for attracting a wider audience across the globe and sending your traffic through the roof. 

We implement all the tips and strategies mentioned above, and more. So, sit back, relax, and let us create the snappiest, most attractive CTAs that send your users to the right places and boost your brand. Be sure to also check out our ‘Ultimate Marketing Guide’.

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