In-depth SaaS Content Production Guide for 2022

June 29, 2022
SaaS Content Production Guide

Most SaaS companies do not have a documented content strategy or even invest in it. This lack of SaaS content production is necessary even though people discover new software through different forms of digital content such as blog posts, videos, and social media. This creates an excellent opportunity to get discovered, rank in search engines, and gain authority with quality content.

But before beginning to produce content, a Saas company must know all about their target audience, what’s unique about content marketing for SaaS, and how to stand out with a compelling content marketing strategy.

Don’t worry. This SaaS Content Production Guide will help with all that. So, let’s get started. 

SaaS Content Production

Content marketing is an inbound marketing strategy that addresses a target audience’s inquiries by consistently creating meaningful content. A SaaS company can use any form and any platform for its content based on customer profiles. 

It is more than just explicitly advertising a product, though. Content marketing strategies are more about helping people with their needs while showing them how the company could help them. 

When it comes to SaaS companies, content marketing works differently because their products are not physical. This requires a SaaS company to showcase itself as an educational and knowledgeable expert in its field to get customers to trust them and improve the brand’s positioning.

Search engine optimization is crucial for a brand as customers find SaaS products through digital channels. 

Customer service is another vital feature for SaaS companies as they are not only selling a service but also the support behind it. And if they can’t help their customers when they need it, they’ll likely switch to a competitor. 

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SaaS Content Production Strategy

Let’s take a look at the techniques to help a SaaS company drive traffic to landing pages, increase brand awareness, improve the brand’s reputation, and grow SaaS revenue.

Define your Ideal Customer Profile

Start with having an ideal customer profile, which describes the company or consumer that will benefit the most from the services. These companies/customers are the ones who will buy a SaaS company’s products and are loyal.

Ideal customer profiles are a type of buyer personas that includes the firmographic details of a customer. Because these profiles get the most attention and profit, they should be the center of the SaaS content production strategy. A SaaS company must understand the relationship between content marketing and user profiles to create a proper content strategy.

To understand the customers to whom the SaaS content will be directed, find the answers to questions like Which industry are they involved in? 

  1. What’s the company’s budget or the consumer’s income level?
  2. Which other brands do they buy from? 
  3. Which websites do they visit? Which media outlets do they use? 

This isn’t a one-time thing either. Ideal customer profiles should be updated from time to time as the company and industry evolve.

Analyze the competition

Of course, one can’t move forward without keeping competitors in mind. 

Analyze their traffic source to identify the areas to compete in and increase user engagement by refining content. Studying backlinks can give an idea of the standards to follow for backlinking strategies.

The advertising strategy of competitors will help a SaaS company understand how its ads are structured. They can then analyze their successful campaign for ad copies, CTAs, and other tricks to use in content.

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Affirm Your Brand Personality

Any SaaS company doesn’t want its audience to form an opinion on its brand. Instead, a SaaS company wants to define its persona and how they want it to perceive the business. A brand, after all, portrays the people behind the business.

For this, involve key stakeholders in the brand overview and ensure everyone is on the same page. Additionally, incorporate the right keywords and adjectives to describe the mission statement. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Moz to identify relevant and effective keywords. 

Before using keywords to develop different kinds of content, create measurable goals for content campaigns to evaluate their performance. 

Content Production Procedures

Now that we have looked at the keywords and the measurable goals, it’s time to produce keyword-oriented content to achieve goals.

For this, a SaaS company can set up a step-by-step production process and procedures that involve researching topics, creating a content planning calendar, and recruiting talent for content creation, editing, and publication schedule.

Share Relevant Content

Producing compelling content that gives users value and relevance is the key to attracting readers. The focus should be on quality rather than quantity. 

With actionable high-quality content, which is informative as well as engaging, a SaaS company can pull in the audience. 

Focus on readers’ pain points and provide them with relevant solutions. To make the content actionable, include further steps the reader can take. Define the topics to cover based on ideal customers’ needs and competitors’ strategies.

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Publish Content Regularly

A SaaS company should include video tutorials in the content production strategy to help the audience understand the product, learn to use the software, and maximize its features.

Frequently Asked Questions or FAQ pages will enable users to find answers to common problems or issues. So, create several short articles about the different tasks that users can accomplish.

Once consistent and quality content is ready, it’s time to publish it at the right time. Publishing too little is just as bad as posting way too much, which lowers a SaaS business’s chances of gaining traction. Find the right balance between publishing lengthy, quality content and delivering quickly to the audience. 

Have a Content Distribution Strategy

Is there really a point in publishing a lot of content if no one’s going to read it? Having a content distribution strategy will help grow the following and reach the fanbase.

To promote products and make them accessible to the right scale of customers, a SaaS company can utilize its own channels such as the brand’s website and social media accounts or paid media channels like ads and influencers or have reviews of products or mentions by another brand.

Some of the ways to increase traffic via organic search include:

  1. Technical SEO, which refers to server and website optimizations to improve your rankings;
  2. Having an appropriate content length of about 1,600 words for a blog;
  3. Updating and re-publishing the old content and internal linking to improve site architecture and spread link equity on your website.

Email marketing will help with content distribution to current customers, while weekly newsletters help customers establish the habit of reading and returning to your website. A SaaS company can use product updates, free trial onboarding campaigns, and retention emails as part of its strategy. 

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Testimonials & Reviews

For new customers with no experience using the SaaS software, testimonials and reviews from those who did are the best sources of information.

As such, testimonials can impact purchasing decisions, brand awareness, and credibility. Analyzing them can help determine who the target audience is and if they are satisfied with the product and services. 

Testimonials and reviews also validate because when potential customers see that other people are satisfied with the product, they feel much safer making purchases. Thus, ask and encourage industry experts to review the product and get in touch with bloggers and influencers.

Word of mouth is one of the best ways to create awareness for a brand, and reviews and recommendations are essential to get new as well as meaningful leads and pull them down your sales funnel.

Measure performance

Now, using all these tactics is not enough. To know if the content strategy is working as expected, measure its performance using key performance indicators (KPIs).

These indicators primarily cover quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators, leading indicators, lagging indicators, output indicators, financial indicators, and actionable indicators. 

The KPIs must be specific to a brand’s long-term goals and content strategy, which a SaaS company can tailor as per its needs. They must fit specific, measurable, relevant, time-based, and attainable goals.

Use an analytics software tool with a dashboard to create customized displays and reports to track your desired KPIs. 

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Optimize the Content

At last, after measuring the performance via KPIs, a clear picture of the business’s strengths and weaknesses will come to the fore. So, it’s time to optimize the process by updating content and distribution strategies according to the results.

You can try split-testing to test how making changes affect the performance of the underperforming pieces. Changes that may be as small as a different headline or image can generate better results.


Because SaaS doesn’t involve conventional ways of selling a product, a SaaS company would need to constantly change and track its content for the technique to be effective. 

It’s about catering to their audience’s needs and continuously adjusting your content. Having unique, quality, and well-targeted content will provide excellent results.

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